I Wrote These Things




In Seattle, Creating Community by Collecting Art and Artists

New York Times

Shaun Kardinal, 36, doesn’t know where he’d fit another piece of art in his one-bedroom apartment, which is bursting already with more than 100 works.

“Art tends to find the nooks and crannies for things to happen,” he said. Mr. Kardinal’s collection was born of the artistic community he has tapped into since his early days working at a frame shop.

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Why you might feel the urge to overspend right now


As the US opens back up, the impulse to spend money to alleviate tough emotions could take hold.

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Future House: 3-D Printed and Ready to Fly

New York Times

Impelled by the pressures of climate change and population growth and shaped by the promise of technologies like 3-D printing, a revolution is brewing in the future of home-building around the globe.

As Earth’s inhabitants, we need to rethink almost everything about the way we live, especially in coastal cities, because our world may be reshaped by rising oceans in ways we can’t yet fully anticipate.

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Personal Essays

What You Learn When You Fly on the Same Plane as Russell Wilson

The Stranger

When the woman ahead of us to board an Alaska Airlines flight to Puerto Vallarta says to her friend, “Did you see who’s on our plane?” I am forced to eavesdrop.

My boyfriend is talking to me, but I can't help myself.

“He’s in first class,” the woman says. “Everyone’s going to see him.”

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How I Became a Front-Row Yogi

Yoga Journal

“I’ve got a rockin’ yoga body. Unfortunately, it’s hidden under my donut body.”

I try this joke on Ryan as he checks me into class.

“Mmm, that’s enough of that,” he says. He looks around as if the owner could hear us. “We shouldn’t even be talking like that in here.”

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What It's Like to Live in a Space the Size of a Closet

 The Stranger

The landlord opens the door to a tiny room. It radiates the possibility that I have been wrong about everything.

Every decision in my life has led me to this point, and I can't believe what it looks like: The space is 10 feet by 9 feet 3 inches. This living room/dining room/office/bedroom/closet is 175 square feet total, according to my calculations.

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Do your friends know you're broke?


One summer day in 1991, a mother of three walked into McDonald's on her lunch break. She knew she could get a hamburger there for just 39 cents. The six credit cards in her wallet were useless, each one a lifeless plastic symbol of a maxed-out limit. She searched the depths of her purse for stray coins, and then she searched the cracks of her car, but she had done this so many times before that there was nothing left. She did not have 39 cents.

This mother was my mother.

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Risk Mitigation at the Dawn of My Conceivable Extinction


At a cafe overlooking the plaza where the Spanish mounted the head of the last Incan emperor on a pike, I order a mojito. It’s a stupid drink to get in Peru, but the whole world’s gone stupid. At least, watching people telescope out selfie sticks in front of the Cuzco location of Kentucky Fried Chicken, that is how I feel.

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The Birthday Tradition You Should Start Immediately


You know what it's like to wake up at 75 years old and realize you wasted your life?

I hope not, and I hope you never do. I hope I never do, either.

But it happens. This hospice nurse, Bronnie Ware, asked people in the last stages of life what their biggest regrets were, and the most common thing people said was they failed to live a life true to themselves and their dreams.

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Humor & Satire

My Personal Brand Is I Don’t Want to Die

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

Hi, great to connect. I’m a passionate creative who crafts captivating stories for high-quality clients, because my preference is to live.

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